01 - 02 July


A shooting with...

01 - 02 July
1 jour et demi (10h)

Individual financing rate: 290 euros

Subscribe to the workshop

Fabrice Courthial & Marie Couteux
+33(0)490 967 606

This exciting course will largely revolve around two central notions in photography: distance and time.
The distance which will determine a posture, aesthetic choices linked to composition, framing. Time, that chosen technically to fix what we see, but also that which imposes itself on the photographer, forcing him to adapt to the different constraints present within a determined period.

After discussing the experience in the morning and a selection of photographs brought by each person, Ambroise Tézenas will accompany the participants in the field to carry out various experiments and creations. A step which will allow us to question the practice of the “documentary landscape” but also for those who want portraiture.

An approach which will focus on a territory rich in contrast where natural, urban spaces and buildings marked by the passage of time coexist. The challenge will be to assert certain aesthetic and technical choices to give coherence to the approach.

The next day will be spent selecting, editing, and sometimes slightly reworking the files to isolate a small set of photographs that work together.

A dense course, which subtly mixes the exchange of points of view and action, without neglecting the pleasure of photographing and a certain conviviality.

Born in 1972 in Paris.

Ambroise Tézenas graduated from the School of Applied Arts in Vevey (Switzerland) in 1994.

He regularly collaborates with the French and international press including the New York Times Magazine, The New Yorker, Architectural Digest, Vanity Fair, W Magazine, Libération, Paris Match, Géo...

His works are regularly exhibited including “Dark tourism” at the Galerie Mélanie Rio, Nantes, France; “Night Visions,” Young Gallery, Brussels, Belgium; “Beijing, Theater of the people” Galerie Catherine Schubert Fine Art, Bangkok, Thailand; “Villa my pleasure”, Festival Portrait(s). Vichy, France; “Sneakers like Jay Z” with Frédéric Delangle. La Villette, Paris, France; "Photographic Observatory of the Seine Valley", Château de la Roche Guyon, France...

Ambroise Tézenas has exhibited several times at the Rencontres d’Arles: in 2007 (Beijing, Théâtre du peuple); in 2015 (I was Here, Tourism of Desolation) and in 2018 (Sneakers like Jay Z).
Part of his “Olympism made visible” series will be exhibited during the Rencontres d’Arles in 2024 in the “Sport to the test” exhibition.

His work has also been presented in around fifty group exhibitions over the past fifteen years.

He is the author of several photographic works including:
Villa my pleasure.” Editions Filigranes, France, 2019
Desolation tourism. Actes Sud, France, 2014
Beijing, theater of the people. Actes Sud, France, 2006

In 2022, he will participate in the Major Photographic Commission from the Ministry of Culture. Radioscopy of France: views on a country hit by the health crisis.

He is the winner of several awards including:
the Ooshot Prize with Frédéric Delangle in 2018
The London Creative Awards in 2016
Virginie Clément Prize, PHPA in 2010
the Leica European Publishers Award for Photography in 2006

Media library of the Rencontres d’Arles

- A selection of around 30 images attesting to your practice (preferably on paper/format of your choice)
- Your camera, charger and cables
- 2 or 3 memory cards
- A Mac-compatible hard drive or your computer if you wish
- Number of participants: 6 to 12
- Begins: 10am on Monday
- Ends: 12am on Tuesday
- Location: historic center near the Arles arena
- Access : stairs. 3 floors.
- Learn the various steps involved in creating a photo series
- Develop a point of view based on a selection of photographs
- Teaching staff : a professional photographer instructor, helped by an assistant from 6 attenders
- Logistic staff to facilitate shooting sessions (places, material, contacts…)
- Workshop held in both French and English :
Collective parts in French with a translation for non-French speakers.
One-to-one interviews could be in English.
- Mac computers
- Contact prints (6x4 in.)
- Studios with various accessories
- Lightening set up (Flashs, LED, Fresnel…)
- Digital camera (on demand)
- A photo library (app. 500 references)
- Private end-of-course interview and evaluation
- The instructor continuously evaluates the personal series
- Oral end-of-course evaluation
- End-of-course certificate

Dernière mise à jour : 03 June 2024
  • Institutional partners

    • République Française
    • Région Provence Alpes Côté d'Azur
    • Département des Bouches du Rhône
    • Arles
    • Le Centre des monuments nationaux est heureux de soutenir les Rencontres de la Photographie d’Arles en accueillant des expositions dans l’abbaye de Montmajour
  • Main partners

    • Fondation LUMA
    • BMW
    • SNCF
    • Kering
  • Media partners

    • Arte
    • Lci
    • Konbini
    • Le Point
    • Madame Figaro
    • France Culture