15 - 19 April



15 - 19 April
5 jours / 35H

Individual financing rate: 790 euros

Subscribe to the workshop

Fabrice Courthial & Marie Couteux 
+33(0)490 967 606

During this five-day course, photography will often take on the characteristics of a passport, a wonderful open-sesame to explore new places but also a delightful pretext to approach and meet others.

The portrait will be the focus of attention. First, Yohanne Lamoulère will ask everybody about their photographic sensibility and experiences before exploring with them various facets and practices involved in making portraits. The approach will favor natural light to fully focus on people and their environment.

The portrait will often be considered a trio, a balance to be found between three protagonists: the photographed person, the photographer and the setting, in this case the city or its surroundings.

The photographers will be able to make their presence and position felt. That presence will be visible in the models’ eyes and body posture or in props that can be used to add a touch of fiction to the portraits.

This approach can be built largely with the person or persons photographed, in the choice of places, artifices and attitudes. The peripheral actor, the city, will be treated in part through the others and how they envisage and shape it.

On the last day of this exciting five-day course, participants will present a personal series, a look at the city through those who live, work and pass through it, a group of images made of faces, bodies, objects, peripheries, walls and openings, a set of photographs that will tell a story—real, imaginary or a bit of both.


Born 1980 in Nîmes, Yohanne Lamoulère spent her teen years in the Comoros before graduating from the École Nationale Supérieure de la Photographie d’Arles in 2004 and settling in Marseille. A member of the Tendance Floue collective, her favorite themes are city outskirts and the insularity of the shape-shifting forms they take. She wrote Faux Bourgs (Le Bec en l’air, 2018), a compilation of her work on the city of Marseille. She also belongs to the Zirlib collective with stage director Mohamed El Khatib and works for the French and international press. In 2021 she made her first film, L’œil Noir.

Interview France Culture video
Interview Polka Magazine
Website: Yihanne Lamoulère
Instagram: @yohannelamoulere

- Learn the different steps involved in producing a photo series
- Finalize a coherent group of digital photographs on a personal theme: editing, printing and holding an end-of-course exhibition.

- Daily shoots
- Selection on a computer and/or on a reading print
- Study and analysis of the photographs made
- Daily reflections and discussions to define the characteristics of a personal approach
- Analysis of the key steps involved in making a photograph
- Final editing session to make a homogenous series
- Finalization of a series on a digital file, printing and hanging.

Anyone wanting to hone their photography skills. Amateur or professional photographers. People working in or studying photography, communication, journalism, architecture, etc. Professionals wanting to explore a new area or technique.

See the price list, which depend on length and type of financial aid. Request an estimate.

- A selection of about 30 pictures attesting to your practice (preferably on paper/format of your choice). Strongly advised to get to know your teacher
- Your camera with charger, batteries, etc. (free loan available on request)
- 2 memory cards (to keep your photos)
- If possible, a Mac-compatible hard drive or your computer if you want to.

- Face-to-face course
- Location: historic center near the arena
- Mobility: staircase to access the building and several rooms (contact us)
- Number of participants: 8 to 12
- Starts 10am on the first day
- Ends 7pm on the last day, followed by a presentation of the work until 9pm
- Times on the other days: 9:30am to 12:30pm and 2:00pm to 6:00pm
- Participants can bring their own lunch and eat it on site during the afternoon break.

Basic knowledge of computers and handling a camera are advised.
None. After the registration and self-positioning form are received, a phone interview or exchange of messages could take place. Validation after the 14-day right of withdrawal period.

After the registration and self-positioning form are received, a phone interview or exchange of messages could take place. Registration is definitively validated 14 days (right of withdrawal period) after acceptance of the training contract and receipt of the 30% deposit.

- Led by an instructor/professional photographer (accompanied by an assistant if there are more than 9 participants)
- The instructor takes note of the registration and self-positioning form beforehand in order to adapt the course and means to the goals.

- Mac computers/card reader
- Video projector
- Flash and Led lighting on request
- A hybrid digital camera
- A photo library (app. 500 works)

- Interview and individual evaluation when the course starts
- Performance of practical exercises continuously evaluated by the instructor
- Oral evaluation at the end of the course.

- Certificate of completion

Whether or not you are recognized as disabled, we are at your disposal for any information and will do our best to support you, adapt the content, supports and pace and make your participation easier.
For more information please contact Fabrice Courthial at

Document updated > nov 2023
Dernière mise à jour : 29 March 2024
  • Institutional partners

    • République Française
    • Région Provence Alpes Côté d'Azur
    • Département des Bouches du Rhône
    • Arles
    • Le Centre des monuments nationaux est heureux de soutenir les Rencontres de la Photographie d’Arles en accueillant des expositions dans l’abbaye de Montmajour
  • Main partners

    • Fondation LUMA
    • BMW
    • SNCF
    • Kering
  • Media partners

    • Arte
    • Lci
    • Konbini
    • Le Point
    • Madame Figaro
    • France Culture