15 - 19 April



15 - 19 April
5 jours

Individual financing rate: 790 euros

Subscribe to the workshop

Fabrice Courthial & Loïc Colomb
+33(0)490 967 606

Participants in this course produce and edit images, find the right order and pace to create a series—a coherent narrative. 

Accompanied by Julien Magre, they will start out with their own reflections, questions and personal obsessions to construct a photographic story about their intimate relationship to the world. The idea is not to find a “powerful” subject but a personal one that allows them to tell a singular, embodied, subjective story.

Technical matters will be left aside insofar as possible in order to focus on analyzing images, sharing feelings and exploring avenues determining one’s position in relation to others and oneself. Participants will discuss what they see, what they think they see, what they want to show and what they want to say. They can use the tool of their choice—a digital camera, smartphone or Polaroid camera—to tell their story in color or black and white.

Finalizing the series will receive careful attention. Depending on each participant’s progress and desires, and the relevance, the photographs will appear in an exhibition, a book or a slideshow.

A graduate of Paris Arts Décoratifs in 2000, Julien Magre is represented by Galerie Le Réverbère in Lyon. In 2010, agnès b. spotted him at Paris Photo, where he exhibited his book Caroline, Histoire numéro deux and prints from the same work at the Galerie du Jour bookshop. In 2014, he participated in "S'il y a lieu je pars avec vous", a group show at BAL in Paris with Sophie Calle, Antoine d'Agata, Stéphane Couturier and Alain Bublex. 

More recently, La Galerie Le Lieu in Lorient has featured his work. In September 2017, he exhibited "ELLES" at Galerie Le Réverbère. Julien has published several books: La Route de Modesto with text by Marc Villard (Adam Biro, 2009), Caroline, Histoire numéro deux (Filigranes, 2011), Troubles (Filigranes, 2015), Poursuite, a project carried out with Yann Stofer including text by Alexandre Kauffmann (self-published, 2016) and Je n'ai plus peur du noir, which was shortlisted  for the Author’s Book Award at the Rencontres d’Arles 2017 (Filigranes, 2016).

Website: www.julienmagre.fr     

- Study and analysis of the photographs taken
- Daily shooting outdoor and in studios
- Exercices with artificial lights
- Exercices on images dedicated software (colorimetry, curves, etc.)
- Selections of the photographs taken

- A selection of around 30 images attesting of your practice (preferably on paper/format of your choice)
- Your camera, charger and cables
- 2 or 3 memory cards
- A Mac-compatible hard drive or your computer if you wish

- Number of participants: 6 to 12
- Begins: 10:00am on Monday
- Ends: 7pm on friday
- Time schedule on other days: from 09:30am to 12:30pm and 2pm to 6pm
- Location: historic center near the Arles arena

- Learn the various steps involved in creating a photo portrait
- Develop a point of view based on a selection of photographs with coherency

- Taught by an instructor and an assistant

- Mac computers
- A photo library (app. 500 references)
-Various kinds of lighting systems, studio accessories, tripod, etc.

- Private end-of-course interview and evaluation
- The instructor continuously evaluates the personal series
- Oral end-of-course evaluation

- End-of-course certificate
Dernière mise à jour : 29 March 2024
  • Institutional partners

    • République Française
    • Région Provence Alpes Côté d'Azur
    • Département des Bouches du Rhône
    • Arles
    • Le Centre des monuments nationaux est heureux de soutenir les Rencontres de la Photographie d’Arles en accueillant des expositions dans l’abbaye de Montmajour
  • Main partners

    • Fondation LUMA
    • BMW
    • SNCF
    • Kering
  • Media partners

    • Arte
    • Lci
    • Konbini
    • Le Point
    • Madame Figaro
    • France Culture