13 - 17 May


Narration thread

13 - 17 May
5 jours

Individual financing rate: 790 euros

Tous publics


Fabrice Courthial & Marie Couteux
+33(0)490 967 606

These exciting days will enrich your perspective and outline a personal approach.

The whole approach will consist of moving away from a photograph considered in a unitary manner to fully enter into a photographic narrative, in which the images are linked together by sensitive connections, and thus to explore the riches of this specific practice of so-called author photography.

When working on a concrete project, the approach will also focus on how to integrate the “human” into your work. Bringing a human presence into a photographic series, even if only through suggestion, allows you to greatly expand your photographic vocabulary, just like the narrative of a series. The exercise invokes issues of rhythm, incarnation, contextualization... and for those who take the photographs new encounters and new territories to explore.
Depending on the experience and confidence of each person, Ljubisa Danilovic will support and stimulate this research on a daily basis.

Daring, gently, anticipating, preparing, formulating, finding your distance, stepping aside or imposing yourself, will be so many possibilities, techniques, questions which will be addressed openly and without ready-made answers, by Ljubisa Danilovic, notably through her multiple experiences.

It will be about moving forward calmly in this achievement, by specifying intentions, by finding a guideline. The objective will above all be to take a “further step” in your practice and to gain confidence and consistency in your photographic approach, during the course but also in the longer term.

The crucial daily editing sessions will help clarify a common thread, refine desires and make aesthetic and technical choices.

A finalized series will be printed and exhibited on the last day of the course.

Ljubisa Danilovic is a photographer and director.
He is notably the author of five books (Being Twenty in Belgrade, The Russian Desert, Elephant, Payne's Moon and Georgia) which each in their own way explore the transposition of an emotional state onto a territory. His projects often have a documentary basis on which he relies to assert his subjectivity.

He is also a director of documentary and multimedia films (Arte, Fondation l'Abbé Pierre, Médecins du Monde).
He was a member of the Tendance Floue collective from 2018 to 2022.
He is an ambassador for the Fujifilm brand.

Website: Ljubisa Danilovic

- Discussions about the participant's earlier work
- Definition of a personal project with or without shooting
- Individual shooting sessions or enhanced editing sessions
- First selections and file management on computer
- Editing sessions with the instructor
- Building of a unified series
- Reflexion about photo project possible outlets
- Discussion as assessment of the workshop

- A selection of around 30 images attesting to your practice (preferably on paper/format of your choice)
- Your camera, charger and cables
- 2 or 3 memory cards
- A Mac-compatible hard drive or your computer if you wish
- Number of participants: 6 to 12
- Begins: 10:00am on Monday
- Ends: 7pm on Friday (it followed by an exhibition until 9pm)
- Location: historic center near the Arles arena
- Access : stairs. 3 floors.
- Learn the various steps involved in creating a photo series
- Develop a point of view based on a selection of photographs
- Teaching staff: a professional photographer instructor, helped by an assistant from 6 attenders
- Logistic staff to facilitate shooting sessions (places, material, contacts…)
- Workshop held in both French and English :
Collective parts in French with a translation for non-French speakers.
One-to-one interviews could be in English.
- Mac computers
- Contact prints (6x4 in.)
- Studios with various accessories
- Lightening set up (Flashs, LED, Fresnel…)
- Digital camera (on demand)
- A photo library (app. 500 references)
- Private end-of-course interview and evaluation
- The instructor continuously evaluates the personal series
- Oral end-of-course evaluation
- End-of-course certificate
Dernière mise à jour : 29 March 2024
  • Institutional partners

    • République Française
    • Région Provence Alpes Côté d'Azur
    • Département des Bouches du Rhône
    • Arles
    • Le Centre des monuments nationaux est heureux de soutenir les Rencontres de la Photographie d’Arles en accueillant des expositions dans l’abbaye de Montmajour
  • Main partners

    • Fondation LUMA
    • BMW
    • SNCF
    • Kering
  • Media partners

    • Arte
    • Lci
    • Konbini
    • Le Point
    • Madame Figaro
    • France Culture