Edition 2017

Arles, workshops in progress

Closed on 24 September 2017
Every year, photographers and enthusiasts on all levels come to Arles to share their views and develop their skills alongside acknowledged professionals.
Workshops offer participants an opportunity to explore multiple territories, force encounters, fulfil their visions and face their doubts. The ultimate goal is to create a personal series: a sequence built one day after the next by following precious advices from instructors sharing ideas, tips and techniques.

The Rencontres d’Arles features a selection of work made in spring and summer 2016, weeks or days. The idea is simply to show points of view with the genuine desire to share projects passionately carried out during an immersion photography course in Arles.

Laureats Summer 2017 :
Fabienne ANTOMARCHI / Agnès VIEU / Cécil KA / Virginie LOMBARD / Giulia THINNES / Lara Pérez DUENAS / Mathieu LEGER / No SELFIX / Jean-Félix FAYOLLE / Mathilde DELAHAYE / Valérie SIX / Amin AZAM / Gouzelle ISHMATOVA / Adrien Macé DE LEPINAY / Christelle BOULIN / Florent LEROY  / Marine HAKIM /  Laura PONCHEL  / Bjoern SEIDEL / Tshepiso MAZIBUKO

Laureats Spring 2017 :
Shiraz BAZIN-MOUSSI / Stéphane BOUVIER / Hélène CAUX / Leslie COURBON / Aurélie DEHON / Jean-Michel ETCHEMAÏTÉ / Stéphane ETIENNE / Frédéric FAURE / Pierre-Marie FAUSSURIER / Clarisse GUILLOT / Mascha JOUSTRA / Jörgen KARLÈN / Vanessa KUZAY / Thierry LAPORTE / Samuel LEBON / Céline LEVAIN / Jean-Marc LOZAC’H / Laure MERSCH / Lucie MORAILLON / Agnès ORBAN / Olivier REMUALDO / Michael SOBEL / Adeline SPENGLER / Lisen STIBECK / David TATIN / Amélie THIBIERGE / Konstantinos TZIMEAS / Brigitte VAURY / Akim ZEROUALI

You can find the complete series on gallery-arlesworkshops.com

Workshop instructors in 2017:
Paulo Nozolino / Stéphane Lavoué / Grégoire Korganow / Françoise Huguier / Mathieu Asselin / Klavdij Sluban / Cédric Gerbehaye / Bertrand Meunier / Pierre de Vallombreuse / Diana Lui / Olivier Culmann / Ludovic Carème / Claudine Doury / Ljubisa Danilovic / Christian Caujolle / Léa Crespi / Laurent Monlaü / Patrick le Bescont / Meyer / Frédéric Stucin / Antoine D’Agata / Stéphanie Lacombe / Jean-Christophe Béchet / Martin Bogren / Yann Rabanier / Philippe Guionie / Éric Bouvet / Roger Ballen / Jérôme Bonnet / Olivier Metzger / Vee Speers / Grégoire Alexandre / Sylvie Hugues

Assisted by: Théa Guéniot, Siouzie Albiach, Sára Szabó, Antoine Brun, Quentin Fagart, Léa Sotton, Sandra Bidon, Leïa Vandooren, Iris Winckler, Quentin Carrierre, Rosalie Parent, Amélie Blanc and Anne-Sophie Tritschler

The photography workshops team:
Fabrice Courthial, Loïc Colomb, Marie Manson and Lucie Rivoire

With support from CEWE.

  • Institutional partners

    • République Française
    • Région Provence Alpes Côté d'Azur
    • Département des Bouches du Rhône
    • Arles
    • Le Centre des monuments nationaux est heureux de soutenir les Rencontres de la Photographie d’Arles en accueillant des expositions dans l’abbaye de Montmajour
  • Main partners

    • Fondation LUMA
    • BMW
    • SNCF
    • Kering
  • Media partners

    • Arte
    • Lci
    • Konbini
    • Le Point
    • Madame Figaro
    • France Culture