Edition 2007


Closed on 16 September 2007
Magnum Photos was founded in 1947 by Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, George Rodger and David Seymour, four photographers convinced of the need for absolute independence in terms of commitment and coverage of world events. Down through the decades others have joined them and the resultant host of iconic images is now part of our collective memory. Both observers and creators, Magnum photographers espouse a dual identity that transcends the press/art dichotomy. Today the cooperative has some sixty active photographer-members and represents over twenty others. Four offices – in Paris, New York, London and Tokyo – plus a network of fifteen agents use the most up to date methods to put their work into circulation.No fossilisation here: the myth celebrated in this sixtieth anniversary exhibition at the Rencontres d’Arles remains very much alive, at the crossroads where the history of the world meets that of the medium. A fresco-style presentation shows Magnum’s development over the years: key events, photographs, books and quotes from photographers. Individual projections allow visitors to (re)discover the distinctive, evolving vision of each photographer. 

Members: Abbas, Eve Arnold, Bruno Barbey, Ian Berry, René Burri, Chien-Chi Chang, Bruce Davidson, Carl De Keyzer, Raymond Depardon, Thomas Dworzak, Nikos Economopoulos, Elliott Erwitt, Martine Franck, Stuart Franklin, Paul Fusco, Jean Gaumy, Bruce Gilden, Burt Glinn, Jim Goldberg, Philip Jones Griffiths, Harry Gruyaert, David Alan Harvey, Thomas Hoepker, David Hurn, Richard Kalvar, Josef Koudelka, Hiroji Kubota, Guy Le Querrec, Alex Majoli, Constantine Manos, Peter Marlow, Steve McCurry, Susan Meiselas, Martin Parr, Paolo Pellegrin, Georgui Pinkhassov, Eli Reed, Lise Sarfati, Ferdinando Scianna, Chris Steele-Perkins, Dennis Stock, Larry Towell, John Vink, Alex Webb, Donovan Wylie, Patrick Zachmann Associates: Jonas Bendiksen, Antoine D’Agata, Trent Parke, Mark Power, Alec Soth, Ilkka UimonenNominees : Christopher Anderson, Cristina Garcia Rodero, Maya Goded, Geert Van Kersteren, Simon Wheatley. Contributors: Cornell Capa, Sergio Larrain, Erich Lessing, Wayne Miller, Gilles Peress, Marc Riboud. Correspondents: Micha Bar-Am, Lu Nan, Raghu Rai, Miguel Rio Branco. Archives: Dimitri Baltermants, Werner Bischof, Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Leonard Freed, Philippe Halsman, Hiroshi Hamaya, Erich Hartmann, Herbert List, Danny Lyon, Inge Morath, George Rodger, David “Chim” Seymour, Marilyn Silverstone, Eugene Smith. Distribution: Driggs Collection, Ara Güler, Bob Henriques, Soviet Group, Kryn Taconis, Nicolas Tikhomiroff

Joint curators: Diane Dufour and Julien Chapsal, Project directors: Julien Chapsal, with Le Tambour Qui Parle.

  • Institutional partners

    • République Française
    • Région Provence Alpes Côté d'Azur
    • Département des Bouches du Rhône
    • Arles
    • Le Centre des monuments nationaux est heureux de soutenir les Rencontres de la Photographie d’Arles en accueillant des expositions dans l’abbaye de Montmajour
  • Main partners

    • Fondation LUMA
    • BMW
    • SNCF
    • Kering
  • Media partners

    • Arte
    • Lci
    • Konbini
    • Le Point
    • Madame Figaro
    • France Culture