Edition 2010

Mick Jagger

Mick Jagger, the world’s most photographed performer, has agreed to have the Rencontres d’Arles present the first exhibition covering his career as seen by the leading portraitists of our time. For almost fifty years the universal rock star’s looks have been a major factor in his appeal, with his face and way of moving helping build the myth of the ultra-sexy male. Nonetheless, he has only ever consented to portrait sessions with the best in the field. Here we have a history few celebrities could provide of the evolution of the photographic portrait from the 1960s up to the present day.
François Hébel, exhibition curator, assisted by Wissam Hojeij.
Partially printed by Picto, Dupon and Toros Lab in Paris. Framing by Circad, Paris.
Exhibition venue: Église des Trinitaires.
Mick Jagger, the world’s most photographed performer, has agreed to have the Rencontres d’Arles present the first exhibition covering his career as seen by the leading portraitists of our time. For almost fifty years the universal rock star’s looks have been a major factor in his appeal, with his face and way of moving helping build the myth of the ultra-sexy male. Nonetheless, he has only ever consented to portrait sessions with the best in the field. Here we have a history few celebrities could provide of the evolution of the photographic portrait from the 1960s up to the present day.

François Hébel, exhibition curator, assisted by Wissam Hojeij.

Partially printed by Picto, Dupon and Toros Lab in Paris.
Framing by Circad, Paris.
Exhibition venue: Église des Trinitaires.

  • Institutional partners

    • République Française
    • Région Provence Alpes Côté d'Azur
    • Département des Bouches du Rhône
    • Arles
    • Le Centre des monuments nationaux est heureux de soutenir les Rencontres de la Photographie d’Arles en accueillant des expositions dans l’abbaye de Montmajour
  • Main partners

    • Fondation LUMA
    • BMW
    • SNCF
    • Kering
  • Media partners

    • Arte
    • Lci
    • Konbini
    • Le Point
    • Madame Figaro
    • France Culture