Edition 2017

Lët'z Arles (Luxembourg)

Flux Feelings

Closed on 24 September 2017
The title Flux Feelings poetically captures the key concepts of light, movement and sensations that underpin the curatorial choice in the exhibition at the Chapelle de la Charité à Arles. In an exhibition and a series of meetings to mark its first participation in the Rencontres, the association Lët’z Arles will present the photographic creativity of Luxembourg – a country whose very name contains the most fundamental element of photography: lux or ’light’. Transposed to the context of Arles and the legendary Provençal light that has inspired so many artists, the exhibition will also focus on the notion of ‘territory’ – one of the themes of this year’s festival. Inside the space, the Luxembourg team will invite visitors to be caught up in a flow of images, conjuring up a landscape that’s both multi-faceted and shattered in myriad fragments. These contemporary artistic positions, created within a structure set up in situ, enter into a dialogue with works and documents taken from important collections, revealing a dynamic photography scene and a constantly changing panorama in (f)luxembourg.

Exhibition curatos: Paul di Felice, Anke Reitz, Michèle Walerich.
Exhibition produced by Lët’z Arles (Luxembourg).
Artistic committee: Paul di Felice, Anke Reitz, Marita Ruiter, Anouk Wies, Michèle Walerich.
Exhibition design: Nico Steinmetz, in association with the exhibition curators, and Armand Quetsch.

Daniel Wagener’s project is supported by stART-up STUDIO, Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande- Duchesse Charlotte.
“dystopian circles/fragments... all along” by Armand Quetsch is supported by stART-up, Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, and produced with the support of the Centre National de l’Audiovisuel (CNA).
Collections: Café Crème a.s.b.l., CNA, Fonds d’Urbanisation et d’Aménagement du Plateau de Kirchberg, MUDAM, the city of Dudelange, Luxembourg City.

  • Institutional partners

    • République Française
    • Région Provence Alpes Côté d'Azur
    • Département des Bouches du Rhône
    • Arles
    • Le Centre des monuments nationaux est heureux de soutenir les Rencontres de la Photographie d’Arles en accueillant des expositions dans l’abbaye de Montmajour
  • Main partners

    • Fondation LUMA
    • BMW
    • SNCF
    • Kering
  • Media partners

    • Arte
    • Lci
    • Konbini
    • Le Point
    • Madame Figaro
    • France Culture