Editions 2006, 2007


Born in 1977, lives and works in Paris.

Julien Chapsal has a master's degree in modern humanities and a post-graduate degree in visual anthropology.

He works as a project manager for Magnum Photos. In parallel, on a freelance basis, he carries out his own photographic projects,  questioning practices and forms via an authorial approach that is both sensitive and reflexive. His previous work, Presque rien mais assez (Nearly nothing but enough), focusing on the young people of Jogjakarta street in Indonesia, was shown and published by Unesco in Paris in 2004.

For the past year, he has been researching the urban space in Morocco.

Julien Chapsal presented his work at the Rencontres d'Arles in 2006: "Harkis for life ?" and in 2010: "France 14"
  • Institutional partners

    • République Française
    • Région Provence Alpes Côté d'Azur
    • Département des Bouches du Rhône
    • Arles
    • Le Centre des monuments nationaux est heureux de soutenir les Rencontres de la Photographie d’Arles en accueillant des expositions dans l’abbaye de Montmajour
  • Main partners

    • Fondation LUMA
    • BMW
    • SNCF
    • Kering
  • Media partners

    • Arte
    • Lci
    • Konbini
    • Le Point
    • Madame Figaro
    • France Culture