Edition 2009
In the Hyper series, Darzacq photographs young street dancers performing various leaps in the hypermarkets of Rouen and Paris. In these images, the ecstatic and ultimately aimless movements of the dancing bodies disrupt the disciplined organisation of the superstores, obstructing the routes marked out for and by the consumer subjects. This is motion driven by pleasure. As Paul Valéry wrote in his study of dance, such movements oppose utility: they resist, refusing to submit to economic conditions. They are self-sufficient. The orderly shelves and stacks of tins contrast with the elastic resonance of the dancers’ bodies; jubilant vivacity rises up against the fake fluorescent plastic objects; mobilities dedicated to consumption and defined by the superstore space meet with a response of absolute freedom.
Translated excerpt from Amanda Crawley Jackson's preface to Hyper, published by Editions Filigranes in March 2009, Paris.
Denis Darzacq is represented by VU’ la galerie.
Exhibition organised by VU’ la galerie.
Exhibition presented at the Capitole.