Kathy Ryan
Kathy Ryan is the Photo Editor of The New York Times Magazine. She joined The Times in 1985 and prior to that worked at the Sygma Photo Agency. Under her leadership, The Times Magazine has won numerous awards in recent years from the Pictures of the Year competition, World Press Photo, the Society of Publication Designers, and the Overseas Press Club. Ryan has been the recipient of the Canon Picture Editor of the Year Award presented at the Visa Pour L'Image photojournalism festival in Perpignan, France; and she was named Picture Editor of the Year by the Lucie Awards in 2003. In addition to her magazine work, she has lectured on photography and participated in many workshops, seminars, and panels, as well as serving on many photo juries. Her role at The N.Y. Times expanded this year to include coordinating the photography that appears in the newly launched "T: The New York Times STYLE Magazine" that is published 13 times a year, in addition to the weekly Times Magazine. She received a BA in Art and Art History from Douglass College of Rutgers University. She lives in N.Y. City with her husband Scott Thode and their daughter Sylvie.