Edition 2015
Toon Michiels
Born 1950, Boxtel, the Netherlands. Lives and works in Den Dungen, the Netherlands.
Toon Michiels studied graphic design and photography at the Royal Academy of Art in‘s-Hertogenbosch. He was a lecturer at the Academy of Art and Design St. Joost (Breda), the Gerrit Rietveld Academie (Amsterdam), and his alma mater, the Royal Academy of Art‘s-Her-Togenbosch. In 1981, he co-founded Samenwerkende Ontwerpers (Collaborating Designers) and Beaux & Michiels in Amsterdam. Later he established himself as Toon Michiels Ontwerpers (TM Designers). Michiels has travelled the world from South Africa to Indonesia, and especially throughout the USA. He likes to call himself a ‘full-blood road photographer’. His work appears in numerous museum collections in the Netherlands and abroad. He currently works as an independent graphic designer and photographer.