Quentin BAJAC
Born 1965, Paris.
Lives and works in New York.
Lives and works in New York.
Quentin Bajac was appointed the chief curator of photography at the MoMA in New York in 2013. Formerly a photography curator at the Musée d'Orsay, and then at the Centre Pompidou before being promoted in 2007 to run the institution's photography department, which he did until his departure for the MoMa, he has curated and co-curated many exhibitions focusing on photography, be it historic (Le Daguerréotype français, un objet photographique, 2003), modern (Jacques Henri Lartigue, 2003, La Subversion des images –surréalisme, film et photographie, 2009) or contemporary (William Klein, 2005, Dreamlands, 2010). He has written books about Martin Parr, Brassai, Marc Riboud and Robert Doisneau, a three-volume survey of the history of photography, as well as numerous articles about modern and contemporary photographers, focusing in particular on French artists.