Edition 2013


Exhibition closed from 22 September 2013
A masterclass and exhibition devised by Gwenola Wagon, bringing together pieces by Edwin Fauthoux-Kresser, Clément Gérardin, Agathe Lacoste, Guillaume Lapèze, Laurianne Pigot, Olivier Sola, Camille Sonally, Marianne Wasowska-Fauchon, Mathilde Warin, and Sonia Yassa.
Each piece exhibited questions the representation of places in the era of proliferation of images and ease of access to them. The exhibition brings together ten investigations of ten places that are impossible to access physically, but can be studied via search engines on the Internet. Each project analyses the place and the mechanisms for recording it, for exchange and for hybridisation with real space: irradiated space, enigmatic images, speculative iconography, the loss of the Danube, mimetic architecture, a voyage to Mars, Gypsy and Mormon communities, Rainbow Warriors, alternate history in Kabylia.
Distance was an essential constraint so as to investigate and witness an inaccessible place, to capture views without being on site, while always seeking to learn more. Like a detective looking for the slightest clues capable of increasing imagination tenfold, these hunts for the Snark question the place as much as its access system, through archival documents, traces engendered by search motors, interactive cartogra- phies, land registries, plans, image banks, etc. The investigation process was also an integral part of the projects. The traces disappear sometimes as quickly as they appear. They take on the appearance of ghosts who haunt the place, while also referring to it, and can reveal as much as they conceal, transforming or intensifying it.
A masterclass and exhibition devised by Gwenola Wagon, bringing together pieces by Edwin Fauthoux-Kresser, Clément Gérardin, Agathe Lacoste, Guillaume Lapèze, Laurianne Pigot, Olivier Sola, Camille Sonally, Marianne Wasowska-Fauchon, Mathilde Warin, and Sonia Yassa. Each piece exhibited questions the representation of places in the era of proliferation of images and ease of access to them. The exhibition brings together ten investigations of ten places that are impossible to access physically, but can be studied via search engines on the Internet. Each project analyses the place and the mechanisms for recording it, for exchange and for hybridisation with real space: irradiated space, enigmatic images, speculative iconography, the loss of the Danube, mimetic architecture, a voyage to Mars, Gypsy and Mormon communities, Rainbow Warriors, alternate history in Kabylia.Distance was an essential constraint so as to investigate and witness an inaccessible place, to capture views without being on site, while always seeking to learn more. Like a detective looking for the slightest clues capable of increasing imagination tenfold, these hunts for the Snark question the place as much as its access system, through archival documents, traces engendered by search motors, interactive cartogra- phies, land registries, plans, image banks, etc. The investigation process was also an integral part of the projects. The traces disappear sometimes as quickly as they appear. They take on the appearance of ghosts who haunt the place, while also referring to it, and can reveal as much as they conceal, transforming or intensifying it.
  • Institutional partners

    • République Française
    • Région Provence Alpes Côté d'Azur
    • Département des Bouches du Rhône
    • Arles
    • Le Centre des monuments nationaux est heureux de soutenir les Rencontres de la Photographie d’Arles en accueillant des expositions dans l’abbaye de Montmajour
  • Main partners

    • Fondation LUMA
    • BMW
    • SNCF
    • Kering
  • Media partners

    • Arte
    • Lci
    • Konbini
    • Le Point
    • Madame Figaro
    • France Culture