Frédérique FOUNES
Signatures, Co-founder & Co-director, France
4 Afternoon & 5 Afternoon
After post-graduate audio-visual studies, Frédérique Founès held the posts of press-relations manager and production manager for the Fnac Photo Galleries exhibitions. In 2005 she joined the association Les Petits Frères des Pauvres as marketing director.
There she helped set up the social documentary photo gallery Fait&Cause, handling press-relations and fund-raising and part of the production of exhibitions. She joined the press agency Editing in 2002 as director of cultural projects.
In 2008, with Marie Karsenty, she founded the photographers’ agency Signatures, which works with 50 photographers on their documentary projects.
Signatures is something between an agency and a collective; its mission is to produce and distribute news stories about realities of society, everyday life, politics and economics for the press, public relations, and institutions.
Frédérique Founès directed the Prix Nadar du Livre photographique from 2012 to 2015. She has curated the following exhibitions : - La traversée du siècle /group (2000), Amours de vieux / Eric Dexheimer (2002), Galerie Fait&Cause - Gens d’Irak / Hien Lam Duc, Rencontres d’Arles 2003 ; Lambours toujours / Xavier Lambours, and Fille indienne / Didier Goupy at Mois de la photo, Paris 2006 - Europe échelle 27 / group ; XL27, Xavier Lambours at Mois de la photo, Paris 2008.
There she helped set up the social documentary photo gallery Fait&Cause, handling press-relations and fund-raising and part of the production of exhibitions. She joined the press agency Editing in 2002 as director of cultural projects.
In 2008, with Marie Karsenty, she founded the photographers’ agency Signatures, which works with 50 photographers on their documentary projects.
Signatures is something between an agency and a collective; its mission is to produce and distribute news stories about realities of society, everyday life, politics and economics for the press, public relations, and institutions.
Frédérique Founès directed the Prix Nadar du Livre photographique from 2012 to 2015. She has curated the following exhibitions : - La traversée du siècle /group (2000), Amours de vieux / Eric Dexheimer (2002), Galerie Fait&Cause - Gens d’Irak / Hien Lam Duc, Rencontres d’Arles 2003 ; Lambours toujours / Xavier Lambours, and Fille indienne / Didier Goupy at Mois de la photo, Paris 2006 - Europe échelle 27 / group ; XL27, Xavier Lambours at Mois de la photo, Paris 2008.
French - English