Editions 2005, 2010
Leandro Berra
Born in 1956 in Argentina. Lives and works in Paris.
After studying mathematics he moved to Paris in 1981, where he attended sculpting classes at the National School of Fine Arts (ENBA). Since 1987 he has taken part in many solo and group shows in Paris, Brussels, Hamburg, Amsterdam and Buenos Aires, among other cities. Since his first series Sculptures instables (1985) and the installation Sculptures furtives (1988) in the Buenos Aires metro, his approach has been marked by various investigations of identity. In his series L’autre, le même, photography enters his work. He uses it to evoke a form of otherness that fosters fragility yet creates meaning. One of the works he showed in 2002 at the Maison de l’Amérique Latine in Paris prompted him to explore the possibilities offered by the technique of photofit compositions, which he presented at the Rencontres d’Arles in 2005.