Editions 2006, 2011
Raphaël Dallaporta
Born in 1980 in France. Lives and works in Paris.
Raphaël Dallaporta has made himself a reputation for his scrupulous methodology and his commitment to documentary. Putting ‘neutral’ images side by side with texts on human violence, he triggers awareness of contemporary situations that often pass unnoticed. In his personal projects the dignity of victims is a key concern. His work has been shown twice at the Rencontres: in 2004 Antipersonnel was selected by Martin Parr and went on to become a monograph; and in 2006 Raymond Depardon chose Esclavage domestique (Domestic Slavery) for the festival’s Politics and Society section. Two years later, Fragile featured at the New York Photo Festival. A winner of the International Center for Photography’s Infinity Award, Dallaporta has works in the collections of the FNAC (Fonds National d’Art Contemporain), the Maison Européenne de Photographie in Paris and the musée de l’Élysée, Lausanne. He is currently working on the project Ruins (season 1) in Afghanistan and his next exhibition is scheduled for September 2011 at the Foam photography museum in Amsterdam.