Editions 2009, 2012
Christian Milovanoff
Born 1948 in Nîmes. Lives and works in Paris and Arles.
Teacher at the ENSP since its opening. Oil paintings in the Louvre, in Paris, and in the Staatsgalerie of Stuttgart; classical Rome, offices, supermarkets, Assyrian bas-reliefs, the city of Pittsburgh: these are only some of the subjects Christian Milovanoff has been shooting for over thirty years. The terms copy, frame, archive, document, narrate, are all watchwords of his part-documentary, part fictional work—as if he were using them to try and bring organisation to the chaotic visible. As well as exhibitions and books featuring his photographic work (in particular The Louvre Revisited, The Imagined Gallery, Conversation Pieces, Suites), he has written articles on documentary film (‘The Sequestered’ about Frederick Wiseman, ‘Drops of Honey’ about the work of Johan van der Keuken, ‘Ordinary Voices, the commune of Peter Watkins’; also ‘Of Formal Necessities’ on the actor Claude Simon, and ‘Halving the Face’, or ‘Le dédoublement du visage’, about Claude Lévi-Strauss). He has also written two works of fiction: Le Jardin 1948-1968 (The Garden), and L’Ordre (The Order).