Edition 2012
Geoffroy Mathieu
Born 1972 in Boulogne-Billancourt. Lives and works in Marseille.
ENSP 1999 The series Un mince vernis de réalité (A thin varnish of reality), Filigranes Editions 2005, as well as Parcelles (Parcels) and Canopée (Canopy) are the end product of Geoffroy Mathieu’s daily contemplative artistic practise. In Dos à la mer (Backs to the sea), published in 2009 —Filigranes Editions—, he travels throughout the world of Mediterranean cities looking for the small pockets of resistance that can alter the urban landscape. He takes on issues inherent in a changing landscape in the series Mue, paysage autour du chantier du viaduc de Millau 2002-2005 (Metamorphosis, landscape around the Millau viaduct worksite), Images en Manœuvre, 2005, and through projects commissioned by the landscape photo-observatory of the Monts d’Ardèche natural park (from 2005 on) as well as for the associated communes of the Hérault Valley (since 2010). Blending his interest in the rural and urban, he is now working on a new project focusing on nature within cities in Tangier, Marseille, Edinburgh and Katowice. Jointly with Bertrand Stofleth, and in partnership with Marseille-Provence 2013, he is also setting up a landscape photo-observatory sited near the GR2013 peri-urban trekking path with the help of the CNAP.