Edition 2013
Jean-Louis Courtinat
Born in 1954 in Verdun. Lives and works in Paris.
Jean-Louis Courtinat has been working in photography for many years. A member of the Rapho Agency since 1988, where he started out as an assistant to Robert Doisneau, he was awarded the 1991 Niépce Prize. He has always been committed to people who are in the worst position to fend for themselves—for Courtinat, photography is a militant act. His photography is considered documentary, social, and humanist. Neither complacent nor voyeuristic, his photographs convey a feeling of urgency and responsibility. He has put together ten books, all of which have been published by Robert Delpire. He is currently actively pursuing an in-depth project on housing problems faced by the poor in collaboration with Les Petits Frères des Pauvres Association.